Create Support for a new Platform

Write the extractor

Guidelines for a extractor

It is best to make your extractor as light as possible. For this reason I would recommend a rss-feed if the platform has one. Please additionally make only one GET-request per subscription.

Writing the extractor

Needed structs

You will need two structs you define in your new platform, one for the video and one for the subscription.

Your video struct will just hold some basic information about the video that can be queried, e.g. a playable url, the video title. It will have to implement the Video-trait defined in tf_core/src/definitions/ The Subscription-type will be the subscription you define next.

The subscription structure will hold information about the channel, e.g. the name, and information that will be used to query the uploaded videos from the channel. You will have to implement the Subscription-trait defined in tf_core/src/definitions/, the Video-type is the struct you defined before.

The extraction process

To extract videos from the subscription, you will need to implement the GeneratorWithClient-trait defined in tf_core/src/definitions/ The Item-type will be your video, the Iterator-type will depend on your implementation.


If you took the easy route of a rss-based extraction, you can use the tools defined in tf_utils/src/rss/ You will basically just need to implement RssExtractor for your subscription to get the url of the rss feed and overwrite the WithName as you will most likly not have the subscription name when initializing the subscription. Your video will need to implement FromItemAndSub, the generic variable S will be your defined subscription.

If your rss feed requires some tags not already defined in the rss structure, please edit tf_utils/src/rss/ to your liking. If the tag has :, please replace it with / and also do so in tf_utils/src/rss/ similar to media: or itune:.

Please see the Peertube-platform for a example.


If your platform does not have a rss-feed or using one is not practical, you will have to do most of the work manually, see the Youtube-platform as a example.

Please implement the REST-Client in a different crate if this is too complex or use a already defined crate if available.


You will most likly have thumbnails for your video. If these thumbnails are jpg, png or any other in this table supported platforms, you will just have to overwrite thumbnail_url for your video. As webp currently is only supported grayscale-only you will have to overwrite convert_image in your video, that will convert the image bytes to a usable DynamicImage. For a example, see the YTVideo defined in tf_platform_youtube/src/

Integrate into tf_join

Note: Currently you will have to add your new platform to almost any file in the t_join crate. I currently do not know how this could be made easier, but it is currently mostly copy-and-paste.

The tf_join crate is split into a feature for every platform. Please add your new platform with a new feature into the Cargo.toml.

In the tf_join crate you will find many comments starting with --, e.g. // -- Add new value here.. At these comments you will need to copy-and-paste the previous code-block, match-case or similar and edit it for your new platform. Most of the edits are very minor (e.g. a new field in a struct) and some require more thinking (e.g. (de)serializing to csv). Please do not forget #[feature = "platform"] before your code, and also update the join example for testing.

Integrating into Pipeline

In Pipeline you will have to change two files. In you will need to change what entry boxes are visible when selecting your new platform (in the view!-macro, see the Peertube platform for a example), and how your subscription will be generated from the input values in the add_subscription-function.

In the you will need to change whether the name of the subscription should be updated when displayed (instead of displaying the id). You will need to change that in the update_name-function.


Copyright: 2021 Julian Schmidhuber

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