Compile the binary

Prerequisites (on your computer)


First, clone the repository. Then compile the application:

meson setup build
meson compile -C build

You will also need to install the settings file. You will only need to do it once and if the settings changed.

sudo cp data/de.schmidhuberj.tubefeeder.gschema.xml /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas
sudo glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas

Then you can run the application from the file build/target/release/tubefeeder.


Make sure you have compiled the application like in the previous section.

Copy the binary to a folder in the $PATH, e.g. /usr/bin:

sudo cp build/target/release/tubefeeder /usr/bin

Edit the Exec-key of the .desktop-file to point to the installed program, e.g. /usr/bin/tubefeeder. Then copy the .desktop-file to /usr/share/applications (this path may differ depending on your distribution, e.g. Debian uses /usr/local/share/applications; you can also use the path ~/.local/share/applications/):

sudo cp data/de.schmidhuberj.tubefeeder.desktop /usr/share/applications

You should now see the application in your desktop environment (if not, try restarting) and should be able to execute Pipeline.


Copyright: 2021 Julian Schmidhuber

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